Thursday, October 31, 2019

Consumer Proection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer Proection - Essay Example First of all, according to the Consumer Credit Act, a credit organization is now allowed to come into repossession of the goods bought in credit in case all payments and installments are performed in due time. According to the latest amendments, included into the Consumer Credit Act 2006, all agreements higher than  £25,000 are now subject to the regulation by this act and thus the Act statements can be used in Dove’s attempt to protect its rights. The case is in fact connected with the fact that the seller has used the misleading trade descriptions when selling the goods to Duck, and the seller in this case is subject to penalties according to the Trade Descriptions Law 1968. - the clause 17, on the basis of which Chicken Credit Ltd demanded the payment of the sum of  £13,629 in addition to the arrears of installments of  £5,043 is not valid, as Dove Ltd didn’t initiate the termination of the agreement, and just wanted the changes of the agreement on the basis of the dysfunction of the goods (the lorries) he has bought. - the clause 17 may be subjected by Dove Ltd under the statements and regulations of the Unfair Contract Terms Act as the agreement terms, which break the consumer rights of Dove Ltd and thus demand too high arrears sums and installments in case he decides to terminate the agreement with Chicken Credit Ltd; - even in case the actions of Chicken Credit Ltd were partially right, they had to keep to the term of 14 days before repossessing the goods, according to the Consumer Credit Act 2006. As far as the 14 days term has not been followed by the Chicken Credit Ltd after having sent the notice to Dove Ltd, it may address the court in his request to recognize the credit company’s actions as illegal. The same actions may be performed in relation to the clause 17 of the credit agreement, though there are some notes, which should be taken into account by Dove Ltd. First of all, under

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discrimination and Racism against foreign immigrant people in United Essay

Discrimination and Racism against foreign immigrant people in United States - Essay Example These data were collected from 2508 randomly selected adolescent immigrant children between 12 to 18 years age. The study could not find statistically significant relationship either between citizenship and discrimination, or between knowledge of English and discrimination, nor could it find any statistically significant relationship between discrimination and education expectation of respondents when controlling for age. In the US, as the administration struggles to contain racial discrimination, cross-border terrorism had added new dimension to it. Many miles may have been covered from that ugly day, when the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896 in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, held that â€Å"racially segregated railway cars were both constitutional and reasonable did not violate the rights of Blacks. The majority opinion of the court stated, Laws permitting, and even requiring, their separation in places where they are liable to be brought into contact do not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other, and have been generally, if not universally, recognized as within the competency of the state legislatures in the exercise of their police power. The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored children, which has been held to be a valid exercise of the legislative power. Legislation is powerless to eradicate racial instincts or to abolish distinctions based upon physical differences, and the attempt to do so can only result in accentuating the difficulties of the present situation. If the civil and political rights of both races be equal, one cannot be inferior to the other civilly or politically. If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution of the United States cannot put them upon the same plane. (Birnbaum and Taylor, 2000, p.166-67; cited by Boston & Nair-Reichert, 2004, p.113). This infamous verdict caused much racial disenfranchisement, which

Sunday, October 27, 2019

An Introduction To Food Service Industry

An Introduction To Food Service Industry The purpose of this chapter is to critically review the literature relating to Food Service Industry, the position and attributes to gain costumers perception. The arrangement starts with the role of food service, with investigation into the food and beverage operations. Subsequently, considerations into Service Quality point were dimension such as expectance and perception and an illustration of service quality model are taken. In addition an overview into the food and beverage service employment. An important point is mentioned regards to food quality and influences on costumer expectance and perception. Furthermore, sections such us menu planning and meal experience will taken to enrich the research. Finalize with an important point nowadays, were environment impacts will be take into consideration. 3.2 The role of food service The provision of food and beverage service (Davis et al., 1999) and eating away from home are increasingly and there is widening diversity in the nature and type of food and beverage on offer (Lillicrap et al., 2002). In addition conferences organizers are very familiar with the need for a high quality of food and beverage service within venues (McCabe et al., 2000). There are many reasons that clients normally desire to include a food service function in conferences and meetings. Shock and Stefanelli (1992, p.132) in McCabe et. al., (2000) have suggested several reasons such as: to create an image to provide an opportunity for interaction and networking to present a person, product to refresh conference attendees and sharpen their attention to provide a interested audience to keep delegates interested in other non-food activities to increase attendance at conferences Food and beverage service is the essential link between menu, beverage, and other services on offer in an establishment, and the customers (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). The food and beverage function is characterized both by its diversity and by its size of the event as example of conference, meetings, exhibition and business events (Davis and Stone, 1991). Also can used as an effective tool to satisfy attendees and built attendance, as it empowers an attendees sensory memory of an event (Kim et. al., 2009). It is a significant and critical part of conference operations, and responsible for a high percentage of revenue for the venue (McCabe et al., 2000). In the past, food and beverage service was not important for conference centres, however now when a conference or meeting is organized, food and beverage services plays a fundamental role in the decision-making (, 2002 p. 35). Various groups and function venues dynamically search more out for group business as groups can be serviced with minimal costs and within particular times (Davis et al., 1999). Arranging an efficient food and beverage service for groups and functions at time can be very challenging. In many instances, groups may want very specific items, at very specific times and require special menus, or even an out-of-hours service (McCabe et al., 2000). 3.2.1 The food and beverage operations For a particular food and beverage operation the choices of how the food and beverage service is designed, planned, undertaken and controlled are made taking into consideration a number of organisational variables (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). Figure 5 shows the variables that food and beverage operation has to take into account. Figure 5: Food and beverage operations. Source: Adapted from Foskett and Ceserani (2008) A food and catering service into the conference industry is characterised as function catering. That may be described as the food and beverage service at a specific time and place, for a specified number of people, to an arranged menu and price (Davis and Stone, 1991; Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). There are a variety of function events ranges from providing a bar in a reception area where delegates for a conference are able to assemble before their meeting, to large formal banquets of over 1000 where six to eight courses meals are served (Davis et al., 1998). 3.3 Service quality concept The concept of service can be explained as an interaction between employees and customers (Ball et al., 2003). In this context service quality characterize the level of service that is delivered by operations (Sasser et al., 1982; Walker, 1990; Johns et al., 1994; Jones and Pizam, 1993). It is almost defined in terms of customers perception of expected quality and experienced quality (Brown et. al., 1993). However, service quality is a complex concept and generally needs more than one model to explain it (John, 1996). Many researches making effort to define service quality, they usually on quality service and how it reaches the customers needs. Service quality can be again described as the difference between customers expectation and distinguished performance (Lovelock, 1992; Juwaheer and Ross, 2003). Therefore, services providers need to explore ways to increase productivity, which rely on objectives and goals to be achieved of the service although including quality. Product quality usually ends in the eyes of customers, particularly in the service industry. However the criterion used from customers to evaluate it might be complex and difficult to describe, in particular involving services with high labour content because performance of labour can be different from producer to producer, also each customer can perceived it differently (Berry et. al., 1990). It is also measured according to the level and direction of difference between experience and perception (Sasser et. al., 1987; Gronoor, 1982). Moreover, Ogowicz et. al. (1990) states that perceived service quality can be see form external of the actual operation that appears between customers and servicer provider. In additional, Wyckoff (1992) and Becker and Murrmann (1999) argues that service quality is the level of excellence planned to meet customers requirements. Meeting or exceeding customers expectation is the means to ensure good service quality. Service performance can be judge as a low or high by customers comparing their expectation (Parasuraman, 1988) Customers have a wide range of choices regards to a food service business. From many years of dining experience, customers expectation of service quality have increase and the food and beverage industry is competing to rising it market share (Raajpoot, 2004). As well in the present market place, service quality is know as one of the mainly significant aspect in expand and retaining the successful relationship (Svensson, 2002). Most organisations and managers now realise that customers satisfaction can generate a long-term success, the market were they control which not only include customers but also competitors, regulatory governments agencies and the overall marketing environment (Kandampully, 2001). Therefore, researches can be conducted to identify what creates and retains customers satisfaction and ways to evaluate. 3.4 Dimensions of service quality The intangibility concerned services make it more complicated for consumers to evaluate than product quality because cannot be stored or held. Services are complex to assess until subsequent they have been performed, and even towards it still difficult. However, service quality can be observed as a measure of quality of the delivered-service level equivalent to customers expectations (Lewis and Booms, 1983). Parasuraman et. al. (1985) developed a well-know research concerning service quality, to recognized factors that costumers perceive about service quality. As the research result, they revealed general criteria as the ten principle dimensions of service quality, commonly know as SERVQUAL dimension in order to judge an organisations service quality by customers. Figure 10 illustrates those ten factors. Figure 6: The ten principle dimensions. Source: Adapted from Parasuraman et. al., 1985. Initially, the research proposed 22 statements to identify consumers perception and expectation of service quality. Secondly, those statements represent the ten determinants of service quality (Parasuraman et. al., 1988) illustrated on figure 10. Moreover, service quality emerges from comparison of expected service with perception. Development of model concern service quality suggest that expected service is influenced by three key criteria which as Marketing/Service Package, Personal Needs and Desire and Past Conference Meal. (Parasuraman et. al., 1990). In this research the initial service quality has been adapted to food service function into the conference sector. Figure 11 will demonstrate service quality process to measure costumers expected service and perceived service quality. Figure 7 Service Quality Model to Conference Food Function Source: Adapted from McCabe et al., (2000); Parasuraman et. al., (1985). Even so, it has been suggested that expectations are bound by adequate and desire levels, with a zone of tolerance in between. Although a model has been suggested to conceptualise service quality, with gaps representing the problem associated with the difference between processes to assess costumers expectation ands perception on the food providers performance (Parasuraman, 1991). GAP 1: The procedural gap First gap is the difference between what management believes customers want and what customers really asked for. GAP 2: The understanding gap Second gap is the difference between costumers expectations and managers perceived from costumers expectation. GAP 3: The behavioural gap The service delivered is different from the service specification. GAP 4: The promotional gap The difference between what has been promised by marketing communication activities and the actual service delivered. GAP 5: The perception gap Level of service perceived by costumer diverges from the service actually provided. The model helps catering managers recognise the understanding of customers. Also offers a clear thoughtful to managers who require improving the service quality provided by their service process. Consequently, managers gain the knowledge to improve their service quality and how they can understand their customers expectation and make then pleased which can promote a successful result to a conference meal service (McCabe et al., 2000; Rogers 2008; Zeithaml et. al., 1990). 3.4.1 Expectance and Perception of service quality Customers translate their needs into a series of expectance of the service or product that stand on this ability to satisfy an assured or implicit need. If the food function meets and exceeds these expectations then the customers will feel satisfied and will feel that they have received quality (Parasuraman, et. al., 1985 in Davis et al. 1998). However, if the food function does not meet their expectation, then there is a gap between customers expectations and the perceived characteristics of the service and quality will not have been provided (Davis and Stone, 1991). Customers have different background which influences his or her perception (Olsen et al., 1998). Service delivery is variable and difficult to measure because of the individual character of the contact between customer and services provider (Lashley and Lee-Ross, 2003). Moreover, these needs become a series of expectations for customers such as the type of food they desire, how they would like to be greeted and how much they are prepared to pay (Lockwood et al., 1996). In additional, culture, mood and timing jointly with the customers previous experience can effect on the way service is perceived (Walker, 1990). It is understandable that successful service providers will depend on the individual service delivered, being capable to interpret the customers requirement and adapt the service delivered to their desire (Lashley and Lee-Ross, 2003). If the customer expectations are meet or exceed, they will be satisfied and will have a quality experience (Lockwood et al., 1996). Service providers seen to be more concerned about customers expectance and service delivered, it is important take into consideration if there is a mismatch between service delivered and what is expected, customers are less likely to return (Jones, 1989). Figure 9 illustrate four main outlines to meet customers expectations. Figure 9 Customers expectation Model Source: Adapted from Martin (2003). 2.4.2 Customer expectations Customer expectations are the required level of performance that customers require from a service (Swan and Trawick, 1980). Also based on how well services providers are able to fulfil customer needs and desires (Westbrook and Reilly, 1983; Woodruff; 1987). It plays a central role in understanding the evaluation of service quality (Oliver, 1980). A range of methods for concept customer satisfaction have been proposed, each theory are based on different foundation. The commonly conceptual definition based on expectancy theory, is that customer expectations are predictions created by the customer regarding to what they believe it will be the result of a service provided or exchanged (Clow et. al., 1997). The models of service quality and customers expectation Model see figure 9 stresses the role of expectations. As a result, food service providers should be not only to meet the customers expectations but also to exceed them. Even so, it should be evidenced that exceeding customer expectations by a very high level is both profitable and dynamic, also it will increase cost and customers will have even high expectations when they repurchase. (Olsen et al., 1996). 2.4.3 Customer perceptions Customer perceptions play a vital to the concept of service quality. Perceptions are customers beliefs when they receive and experience service. It gives an explanation on how customers perceive service and how they evaluate their feelings. Additionally, it is important that organisations and managers understand the criteria that customers use to measure service quality (Gale 1994). On average, customers do not perceive circumstances in the same way for the reason that they comprise different needs, objectives and past experiences which persuade their expectations (Seaton and Bennett 1996). Perceived quality is highly connected with service quality and customer satisfaction (Ndhlovu and Senguder, 2002), a high perception of service value can result in greater satisfaction and intentions to return (Tam, 2000). In the food service industry, customers evaluate, compare an establishment with is competitors, and that evaluation is based on satisfaction, where they observe evaluation of service quality from employees, product quality and price (Lewis, 1984; Johns, 1992). 3.5 Food and beverage service employment People working in food and beverage service are the main point of contact between customers an establishment (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). It is an important role in a profession with an increasing national and international status (Lillicrap et al., 2002). A research conducted by Bowdin and Pherson (2006) states figures regarding tourism service industry. In UK, 13,276 people are employed in the industry as their main job, with a further 337 employed as their second job (The Labour Market review for the Travel Service in Bowdin and Pherson 2006). Moreover, People 1st (2009) registered on total 56 per cent of the labour force are employed on a full time basis and 44 percent work part time. Also the research suggests that conference and events is the largest employer with 13,771 employees, this figure does not included in the figure above. While is difficult to assess the number of employed into the industry. It is obvious that growth in employment in this are and associated sector is occurring. The innovative industries have seen a rise of 400,000 employees in an eight years period (Bowdin and Pherson 2006). The hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors surrounded by the fastest growing in the UK, with standard growth in the sector sitting at 7 per cent over the last 5 years, compared with a 4 per cent growth rate across the economy as a whole. Furthermore, it is predicted that 15,000 new jobs will be created in these sectors between 2002 and 2012 (Bowdin and Pherson 2006). From the Food Service Industry Profile (2009) in Peoples 1st (2009), a research shows that according to the labour force survey 2007/08 183,902 people work in food service establishments in the UK., which 67 per cent are women. They also supported that 15 per cent of those people working in the food and service industry are from black and ethnic minority. Furthermore, graphics 8 and 9 shows the employment by gender and full and part time employment into the food service industry: Graphics 1: Employment by gender and full and part time. Source: People 1st (2009). An additional data from the research reveal the industry age management profile, it says is relatively old when compare to other industry within the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sector. More than half 52 per cent are aged between 30 and 49 compared to an average of 35 percent across the sector. A further 27 per cent are aged over 50. Across the sector this figure stands at 17 per cent. 3.6 The concepts of food quality Food quality is generally distinguished from concept of value. It is understandable that food is a core product in any food establishment. Perception of food quality is part of the cognitive process, which influences satisfaction/ dissatisfaction as well as need fulfilment, expectancy affirmation, equity/inequity, also regret and unapprised cognition (Frewer et al., 2001). A high standard of service and quality of food with more sophisticated atmosphere can be found in a coffee shop or speciality restaurants; higher priced à ¡ la carte restaurant with more extensive menu and one or two cocktail bars in the hotel (Davis et al., 1998; Edwards and Nick, 1994). A well in conference centres were function meals served requires professionalism in preparing, planning and producing these meals; knowledge of the diners / customers and their expectations, desire and reasons for eating out are other crucial factors of food quality (Gustafsson et. al., 2006). Examining customer satisfaction, finds that food quality is part of top nine factors tested that had a considerable effect on customers intention to return in a food service. Likewise, the crucial factor of selecting food service establishment is determined by quality of food (Cullen, 2004). 3.7 Importance of food quality A researched carried by Kim et. al. (2009) analyse the influence of conference food function on attendee satisfaction shows that the quality of food content is the leading determinant of an attendees satisfaction with the food function performance. However, consumers are increasingly becoming knowledgeable and sophisticated about food; they usually expect and require food with genuine quality. If companies are prepared to respond to these demands and reflect them in their marketing strategies, the bottom line quality will appear for it self (Wheelock 1992). A term of quality are generally described rather differently between costumers and the provider (Wieske, 1981), and normally includes items such as the food variety, quality of ingredients, nutrition, portion size and price, those appropriated to meet customers desire and nutritional requirements contributing to pleasure of eating (Daget, 1988; Seo and Shanklin, 2005). 3.7.1 Customers role of food quality Food is not only a basic need of life but, it is a survival necessity. Eating is a part of activities of the daily routine, where variation, life style, imagination and imagination on food preparation and presentation (Wieske 1981). With food and service product price and variety can be widely provided. In general, customers are prepared to pay more for what they recognize to high quality service or product (Wheelock 1992). Quality on food can be relatively a complex issue. The food quality approach is engage into the natural sciences based on measurability of food quality characteristics. Those product and services characteristics are classified by costumers researches, transforming those in natural part of the product or service definition and can be conveyed to the next link to improve process on those processes with right specification related to an ingredients, manufacture procedures, packing and service standards, called specifications (Daget, 1988; Becker, 2000). Specifications are the meaning by product knowledge which is transmitted to all those concerned at the service or product. Any failure to certificate this will inevitably confuse those who face the problem of putting the design into production (Daget 1988). The product knowledge and quality expectation is powerfully influenced both by the companys marketing and advertisement as well as by the type of how it can be demonstrated and provision in the trade (Wieske 1981). 3.7.2 Influence of food sensory aspects on costumers Food providers can be even less confident about how much that food contributes to an individuals meal experience (Edwards and Nick, 1994). Experienced quality, including all sort of sensory pleasure particularly taste, and it is influenced by many ways for instance, the product itself, past experience which applies to both food quality and mood of the customer (Frewer et al., 2001). Despite the fact that sensory quality of food is just a part of the customers eating experience, it is very vital for food development, market testing and quality control (Nick et al., 1994). Costumers can use their sensory dimension and the freshness of food to evaluate food service quality or perceived value A successful food service function is the one which ensures providence of appearance, aroma, taste, temperature and texture are all as customer expectations (Jones, 2002; Lee et al., 2004). It is important to note that psychical quality of food is a vital part of customer satisfaction. Sensory aspects of food quality are perceived by numerous items (Jones, 2002), illustrated on table 9 the follow senses: Table 9 Food sensory aspects. Senses Examples Sight, Appearance Colour, visual texture, portion size, apparent freshness and purity; Smell Aroma, some part of flavour which is actually perceived through the olfactory area; Taste Combinations of sweetness, sourness, saltiness and bitterness to create unique flavour of food; Kinaesthetic Sense of muscular movement such as chewiness and tenderness; Touch, Texture Smoothness, dryness, lumps, fluid or solid including rare, middle or well done level of steak; Hearing Some foods are recognised by a crackle during chewing; Temperature Serving with low temperature or high temperature depending on types of meals or sweet. Source: Jones (2002). 3.7.3 The influence of food sensory attributes on customers The sensory attributes of a food plays an important role in it overall acceptance process. For example, it has been well acknowledged that there is specific design to the growth of pleasantness/unpleasantness as a function of the strength of food related sensory attributes. It is makes clear that customers expectations about the sensory properties of food have an influential effect on perceived food appearance (Thomson, 1994). According to many researchers regarding on the relative influence of food quality on customer satisfaction and behaviour (Auty, 1992), the sensory dimensions may perhaps be a core quality and seen as fundamental role to improve perceived service value in a food service context. Additionally the sensory attributes as well play a key role in the customers attempt to assess a particular food function performance (Kivela et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2004). A research conducted by Hester and Harrison (2001) reveals that the sensory attributes can be transformed into a perception of food quality by the costumers that may go ahead to repeat purchase. In addition, a better perception of costumers permit food providers to meet their needs and offer a wide range of nutritious, delicious, attractive and good value products. The importance of appearance, flavour and texture Appearance is the first sensory sense that influences costumers to be interested in the food (Cardello 1994; Lawless 2000). It includes essential sensory attributes of the food as its colour, shape and size as well as more compounds attributes such as translucency, gloss and surface texture (Cardello 1994). Colour often predominate costumers expectations about flavour, and changes in shape or colour can reduce the sense of sameness. It predicts quality and motivates costumers expectations concerning other sensory attributes (Lawless 2000). Astonishing colours may possibly persuade caution until the food is determined to be safe, palatable, and nutritious (Lawless 2000). Although the visual appearance of the food is a potential influence on acceptability, package related to shape, colour, design, associated logo, symbols, brand item; and names are also important (Cardello 1994). Several researches has been conducted concerning important specifics attributes as important sensory factors involving acceptability of food variety, issues from costumers knowledge of food texture is essential to understanding its overall contribution to food acceptance. Furthermore, most of researches that have been conducted with food costumers, flavours are more often mentioned than texture as a reason liking or disliking food (Cardello 1994; Cardello et. al., 1983; Cardello and Maller, 1987; Hendrix et. al., 1963). On the other hand, other studies have indicated that texture is mentioned more often as a reason for disliking a food than as a reason for liking it (Schutz and Wahl 1981). Many others attributes have been taken into consideration, such as gender, socio-economic status and geographical location were factors related to awareness of texture. Women prefer to be more texture conscious than men, an attribute shared by people in higher socio-economic classes (Schutz and Wahl 1981). Despite the fact that the texture of food products can have a profound effect on perceived acceptability, an even greater influence is applied by the flavour of food (Cardello, 1994). 3.7.4 Expectation and perception on food quality Food services are characterised basically by experience also by an acceptable quality dimensions. For most quality dimensions, costumers can not recognize quality before or during the process, however, they have to create quality expectation which is called quality indication. There are generally two quality indication outlining the expectations which are extrinsic quality and intrinsic quality (Olson and Jacoby, 1972 in Frewer et al., 2001). Extrinsic quality factors refers to everything including price of the product or the brand Also, it includes atmosphere and service quality of staff (Frewer et. al., 2001). Measure satisfaction factor, it is becomes more critical as customer expectations and perceptions of product change. Customer product expectations are expected to increase, also their expectations of money value (Edwards and Nick, 1994). A research conducted by Dube and Renaghan (1994) recognises the importance to focus on relationship between satisfaction and the frequency of repeat purchase. In addition, they suggest to food service environment different ways to encouraging repeat purchase based on aspects such as tasty food, atmosphere, attentive staff, helpful staff, consistent food, menu variety and waiting time. Into the food service industry intrinsic quality refers to physical characteristics of the product or service, for example, when the taste or the appearance is inferred from the colour or other aspects include appearance and brand knowledge (Frewer et al., 2001; Tregear and Ness, 2005); also staff appearance and atmosphere of dining hall (Kim et. al., 2009). In addition, customers meal acceptance normally is not only influenced by food quality itself (intrinsic quality) but customers may rely previous meals experiences and value expectation (Oh and Park, 2000; Hartwell, 2004). 3.8 Menu planning The aim of food menu or beverage list is to inform customers what is available to them (Davis et al. 1998), in apparently random fashion with the food being raw, prepared or cooked. Individual menus came into use early in the nineteenth century, as the twentieth century advanced, and people settled around the world, the food service industry began to introducing different style of food and service (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). Function catering venues normally work on menu planning based on the guidelines in the financial and marketing policies, the different types of menus offered by a function organisation (Davis et al. 1998). Usually, those venues adopt the cyclical menus, these are complied to cover a given period of time: months, or seasonal. The length of the cycle is determined by management strategies (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). Table 6 shows the advantages and disadvantages of cyclical menus. Table 6 Advantages and disadvantages of cyclical menus. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Cyclical menus save time by removing the daily or weekly task of compiling menus, although they may require slight alterations for the next period. When used in association with cook-freeze operations, it is possible to produce the entire number of portions of each item to last the whole cycle, having determined that the standardised recipes are correct. They give greater efficiency in time and labour. They can cut down on the number of commodities held in stock, and can assist in planning storage requirements. When used in establishments with a captive clientele, the cycle has to be long enough so that customers do not get bored with the repetition of dishes. The caterer can not easily take advantage of good buys offered by suppliers on a daily or weekly basis, unless such items are required for the cyclical menu. Source: Adapted from Foskett and Ceserani (2008). Manage menu planning for conference events, should take several factors into consideration: food costs, delegate requirements, the type of items required by the client, nutritional concerns, seasonality, staffing implications, and the overall impression that the meal will give to delegates (McCabe et al., 2000). As a sales tool, menus often will by using well-planning and presented advertisement techniques, direct the customers what they are buy (Davis et al. 1998), also it is important to present clearly to clients and delegates the quantity, quality, price, brand (if necessary) and means of preparation of items within menu (McCabe et al., 2000). 3.8.1 Menu selection From conference managers, food function is related to cost driven, as food and beverage sector accounts for 28% of the total expenditure for the conference industry, which is the single largest portion (

Friday, October 25, 2019

Awakening Vs. Greenleaf :: essays research papers

A strong critique by existentialist writers of modern society is the way in which humans live unexamined, meaningless lives with no true concept of what it is to be an unique individuals. In Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening and in Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"Greenleaf† the characters Edna and Mrs. May, respectively, begin almost as common, stock characters living unfulfilled lives. They eventually converge, however, upon an elevated life and death filled with new meaning through their struggle with their role as individuals surrounded by other important beings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jesuit philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1948) believed that humankind follows a certain evolution of mind and body. This process involves a beginning (komogenese), a development (biogenese), and then a peak (noogenese) in which humans reach an Omega Point of higher being. Though his ideas were actually applied on a much broader scale of humanity over a large timespan, the theory can be applied to the individual’s process of human development. Single humans begin as common clones of one another. From this commonality many examine their lives and develop the things within them that make them uniquely them. This development of the self only can be ended at death when the individual converges upon an Omega Point in which he has an elevated understanding of and meaning for life. The characters Edna from The Awakening and Mrs. May from †Greenleaf† encounter a similar human development in which an individual is formed with an understanding of life. The means by which they achieve this differ greatly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the novel The Awakening opens, the reader sees Edna Pontellier as one who might seem to be a happy married woman living a secure, fulfilled life. It is quickly revealed, though, that she is deeply oppressed by a male dominated society, evident through her marriage to Leonce. Edna lives a controlled life in which there is no outlet for her to develop herself as the individual who she is. Her marriage to Leonce was more an act of rebellion from her parents than an act of love for Leonce. She cares for him and is fond of him, but had no real love for him. Edna’s inability to awaken the person inside her is also shown through her role as a â€Å"mother-woman†. She loves and cares for her children a great deal, but does not fit into the Creole mother-society in which other women baby and over protect their children.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disc Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment

Uncovering an individual’s personality and behavioral traits is one of the most important realizations in every person’s life that one must achieve. In addition, it is one of the determinants of a person’s success. This is because self-awareness allows individuals to obtain an understanding of their traits and characteristics, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, as based on personal judgments and other people’s perceptions. Self-awareness is also a tool in living a productive and fruitful way of life. There are ways to gauge and categorize behavior, with man-made tools such as personality tests, direct inquiry from other people, etc.The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment is a kind of test in determining an individual’s behavioral style based on distinct behavioral categories – secondary behavioral styles included – thus, assisting individuals to focus on attaining their goals and objectives through behavior analysis and introspection. The DISC Platinum Rule documents four primary behavioral styles. Among the four behavioral styles, the result of the assessment labeled my personality predominantly belonging to the Interactive Style.Individuals under this category are interactive and dynamic, valuing attention and admiration, as well as social relationships, more than the other primary behavioral styles. If Dominant Style is controlling, the Steady Style is relaxed, and the Cautious Style is analytical, the Interactive Style is grounded on optimism and enthusiasm. Moreover, the Interactive Style values approval and commendation coming from others, rather than themselves, because of their high involvement and reliance to people. This social dependency is observable in their desire for companionship, and on the contrary, in their disliking of being alone.This style’s eagerness is manifested on the individual’s ability to communicate and build good relationships with other people, and in the process persuade other people into adhering to certain personal principles and ideologies. This particular characteristic is most important in accomplishing goals, as establishing solid relationships with other people might come in handy, when the process of achieving objectives requires help from them. Individuals under the Interactive Style easily persuade other people to look forward in the same direction. Persuasiveness, as aforementioned is one of the strengths of the interactive style.Strong points also include being cheery and confident, well-motivated, and passionate. These attributes should be developed and sustained within individuals characterizing these features for these will aid them in their industry, as well as day-to-day activities or responsibilities, and eventually lead to the realization of their life goals and objectives. On the other hand, overriding weak points of the interactive style include absentmindedness and negligence, being disorderly and unsyst ematic, lack of focus, and the tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill. Exaggeration is mainly caused by their desire to gain attention and approval.The interactive style’s lack of focus on important facts and details, including other behavioral flaws, may impede their achievement of their goals if this kind of attitude is not resolved. Therefore, the interactive style must learn to concentrate on obtaining the main facts and details that are highly significant in all tasks and responsibilities, keep track of time and the requirements needed to accomplish these tasks, and perhaps create a timetable or a schedule and a to-do list, for a more systematic and competent means of carrying out responsibilities. This also ensures that no detail Is left out or neglected in the process.Setting priorities and limitations is also important in order to maintain balance in all aspects of the individual’s life. For instance, lessening social interaction and dependency is a must in order to meet other obligations. The Interactive Style is further divided into four different sub styles: the socializer, the helper, the impresser, and the enthusiast. Individuals who will take the Platinum Rule Assessment will be categorized under the dominant behavioral styles, however, the sub styles will determine which personality or behavioral pattern related to the dominant style best characterizes people.For instance, the assessment labeled my personality as the impresser. The impresser is success-oriented; however, it is not simply a goal to be achieved. Impressers want to accomplish their objectives ingeniously, leading them to look for ways or opportunities of handling things in the most excellent means possible. Personally, I believe this kind of attitude will lead to many disappointments, as setting high standards, most especially in goal setting, will harbor resentments and frustrations if expectations are not met.With the result of the assessment in mind, the har d-working attitude of the impresser might be instrumental in avoiding hurdles along the way. In addition, impressers still value social order and relationships as they are cautious enough to avoid stepping on other people’s toes while on the process of walking toward their roads to success. In order to make the most out of the impresser’s skills and strengths, one must be able to accept weaknesses, such as impatience, etc., and make way for changes that must be done in order to become efficient and constructive. Impressers must be able to focus on the prerequisites of goal-achievement, such as the overall plan including the time-frame, resources, etc. Moreover, impressers should learn to take things one at a time, especially in tasks and responsibilities, in order to ensure efficiency and success. Moreover, impatience and stress is easier to manage by taking a breather and just learning to sit down and relax at times.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Product-Market Growth Matrix Essay

Introduction Pizza Hut is based in Wichita, Kansas USA 19581. A woman and her two sons created pizza recipes. From here, a family friend advised the sons to open their own Pizza Parlor. 2. Pizza Hut is one of the flagship brands of Yum! Brands, Inc. , which also has KFC, Taco Bell, A&W and Long John Silver’s under its umbrella. Pizza Hut is the world’s largest pizza chain with over 12,500 restaurants across 91 countries 3. In India, Pizza Hut has 133 restaurants across 34 cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, and Chandigarh amongst others. Yum!is in the process of opening Pizza Hut restaurants at many more locations to service a larger customer base across the country 4. Borrowing $600 from their mother, the two brothers purchased second-hand equipment and rented a small building on a busy intersection in Wichita, Kansas. The result of their efforts was the first Pizza Hut and the foundation for what would become the largest and the most successful pizza restaurant in the world 5. Pizza Hut franchisees exemplify the entrepreneurial spirit, which launched their system back in 1958. Through interest and initiative, the Pizza Hut system was able to develop new territories in the United States and overseas. Today, franchisees and joint-venture partnerships account for more than half of the Pizza Hut system’s total units. Their development on the international front is a good indication of the growth that has characterized their system. Following the opening of the first international restaurant in Canada in 1968, the Pizza Hut restaurants quickly appeared in Mexico, South America, Australia, Europe, the Far East and Africa. Today, Pizza Hut operates in more than 100 countries and territories throughout the world 6. When Pizza Hut opened its outlet in Baroda, Gujarat they firstly thought that they should make a new pizza to the recipe of the local style in order to attract the local population. g They decided to provide the pizza according to the customer’s taste of choice7. This essay aims to answering the following question: â€Å"Should Pizza Hut open a new outlet in Baroda? † 1. http://www. pizzahut. com/OurStory. aspx 2. http://www. pizzahut. com/OurStory. aspx 3. http://220. 226. 195. 78/pizzahut. co. in/about_us. php 4. http://220. 226. 195. 78/pizzahut. co. in/about_us.php 5. http://www. pizzahut. com/OurStory. aspx 6. http://www. pizzahut. com/OurStory. aspx 7. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview RESEARCH QUESTION Pizza Hut is an established brand all over India. To increase the growth of the new outlet, Pizza Hut recently set up a new market research on the outskirts of Baroda with the investment of __ Basically, Pizza Hut firms in India send Managers to spread proper awareness about their new outlet among the customers through different types of advertising and keep the customers informed about their advancements in current outlets 10. Commercially, I expect that the opening of the new branch will lead to an increase in sales in Baroda, Gujarat, and could increase the market share of Pizza Hut. For this reason, they want to be able to successfully market their new firm when it is commercially launched. As previously mentioned, to increase its growth and successfully market their upcoming outlet, Pizza Hut has been reviewing various promotion strategies like price reduction, to increase the price in their marketing budget and increase in number of staffs 11. So increasing the production by opening the new outlet and to increase the number of staff to work in both of the outlets is a strategy that Pizza Hut is strongly considering in order to increase their growth in the domestic market 12. 8. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 9. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 10. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 11. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview THEORETICAL FRAME WORK The Growth of a business can be measured in many different ways such as assets, sales revenue, operating profit, market share, value added, and number of employees 13. As information of pizzas is involved, Pizza Hut believes that what they bring new in the market is not compared with any of the products of any another firm which is selling pizza’s14. I commercially expect that the opening of the new firm will lead to increase in sales in Baroda, Gujarat, and could increase the market share of Pizza Hut. Due to this, they want to be able to successfully market their new firm when it is commercially launched. Pizza Hut aims to convince the customers to set down their new business, (target market) 15. The other promotional method used by Pizza Hut and to spread the awareness about their new outlet is to do market research. I did the market research for Pizza Hut so that they can locate their new outlet where there are more potential consumers. High income group was also asked about the opening of a new outlet, before it is brought up in the market. Pizza Hut believes that the methods used to research on opening a new outlet take hold of the attention of the customers for long time, so that they can visit the outlet frequently16. For reasons mentioned above, growth is widely regarded as the most favorable method to increase the profit level. 12. http://www. html 13. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 14. _________ 15. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 16. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview METHODOLOGY To reach a suitable conclusion, an in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis shall be conducted by using different business tools to the primary data as well as the secondary data collected. The primary data contains the interview of the Manager of the Pizza Hut outlet which already exists, the opinion of the customers who visit the exiting outlet and a few other people. Market research: This will contain the content of the market research and what it entails. This was conducted by me. Analysis of market research: This will contain the graph and an explanation about how many people will visit the new outlet (assumption) from the old outlets daily earning. Swot analysis: This will contain the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats of the business for opening the new outlet. Ansoff’s matrix: A model which identifies growth strategies for a business and it is based on an analysis of their products and their market. Pest-g: This will identify the political, economical, social and technological, as well as the environmental problem of the firm. Cost analysis: Cost analysis will be conducted to find out the quantifiable and unquantifiable cost involved in increasing the personal selling. MARKET RESEARCH Market research is the collection, collation and analysis of the data relating to the marketing and consumption of the goods and the services18. Market research helps in opening the new outlet, tells us were we stand in the market and how we can improve. How many times does the customer visit Pizza Hut? |Group of people |More than once a week |Once a week |Fortnight |Monthly or less | |Family |04 |20 |45 |25 | |College students |35 |50 |36 |19 | |Above 50 |00 |05 |36 |30 | |Teenagers |40 |45 |26 |17 | (18) Here the market research data is organized according to age group. |Market research done of the location |Yes |No | | |(%) |(%) | |Sayajigunj |66 |34 | |Karelibaug |68 |32 | [pic] Here I have conducted the market research for the two different areas and I have come to a conclusion that in Karelibaug there are 90% of people saying yes to open the new outlet 20. This is due to one outlet of Pizza Hut not providing delivery services to distant areas21. So if it is in that area then many people can visit the outlet and this will give more profit to Pizza Hut. As people from Fathegunj, Sayajigunj, city area and Karelibaug can visit as it will be nearer to them 22. 17. market research done by interviewing different people 18. business studies book by Dave hall pg 147 19. interviewing different age group of people 20. People gave reason that why in these two areas. 21. Told by the people staying in that area. ANALYSIS OF THE PRIMARY DATA The finding of the market research which I have done for Pizza Hut will be analyzed to identify specific market attributes such as the manner in which the customer will respond more. In addition to this, it will identify important information such as the effectiveness of the market research results given by the customers will be discovered. From this data, it will be possible to judge the weaknesses of Pizza Hut. Recommendations will then be made by me on methods which Pizza Hut can adopt to overcome these weaknesses. Once Pizza Hut overcomes these weaknesses, it will have a better chance to successfully market their new outlet, and at the same time increase the sales from their current outlet. The graph below compares the frequency of teenagers who visit Pizza Hut as opposed to college students. [pic] 22 The ratio of college student is more than teenagers23. This means that on an average, college students visit Pizza Hut more compared to the teenagers. This graph tells us how many families and those above 50 wish to go to Pizza Hut. [pic]24 22. market research done by interviewing different people 23. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 24. market research done by interviewing different people SWOT ANALYSIS Swot analysis: swot analysis is an analysis of the internal strength and weaknesses and the external threats and opportunities that Pizza Hut faces. The swot analyses will illustrates how the external opportunities and the threats can be matched with the Pizza Hut’s internal strength and weaknesses to result in a set of possible strategic alternative. This would identify Pizza Hut’s distinctive competencies and the opportunities that the Pizza Hut is not currently taking a due to lack of appropriate resources swot means : S-strength W-weaknesses O- Opportunities T-threats Strength(S): these are the things which I observed, Pizza Hut and their staff do and which is the strength for them: They are well known for their pizzas 26. They provide good quality, taste and quick service 27. Their good service; grooming, cleanliness, and good interaction with the customers make customers want to visit them again 28. Due to their good taste and grooming, the other domestic pizza outlets try to compete and learn from Pizza Hut 29. Reputed brand, market excepted very easily, Due to the above, Pizza Hut makes good profit30. Pizza Hut has the ability to provide it’s customers with deals, offers and specials so that they can save money and get more value. This is a strength for the organization as it makes customers purchase more while receiving more value for their money. Customers use these vouchers and specials when ordering in bulk or for everyday orders. Weaknesses (W): these are the things which I observed and Pizza Hut does poorly and in which they can be affected are: During the weekends, Pizza Hut is full of customers, during that time the service is poor 31. There is little to no place for the people to sit who are waiting to be seated32. Availability of other multinational outlets like Mac Donald and Dominos will be the competitors of Pizza Hut too. 33 Opportunities (O): the directions which the business could take in future like: By opening a new outlet there will be an opportunity for growth of the business and development for employees34. If a person was previously employed by Pizza Hut and has passed the Pizza Hut course with the appropriate certificate, then they are able to receive double their salary35. Pizza Hut is a branded and a multi-national chain, therefore it allows staff salaries to be double that which is offered to other staff in other company’s36. Threats (T): the threats to a business arise from the activity of the competitors and failing to take opportunities like: Pizza Inn is the domestic pizza outlet in Baroda; both of them are doing very good profit-wise therefore Pizza Inn is a threat for Pizza Hut37. Pizza Inn is a well-known organization to the Baroda community as it also provides good quality and taste and this is a threat to Pizza Hut as this is one of Pizza Hut’s strengths. 25. business studies book by Dave hall pg 38 26. http://www. tutor2u. net/business/strategy/SWOT_analysis. htm 27. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 28. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 29. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 30. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 31. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 32. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 33. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 34. interview taken while doing market research 35. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 36. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 37. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 38. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview THE ANSOFFS MATRIX The ansoff matrix: The Ansoff Growth matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and market growth strategy38. Ansoff’s matrix will allow the firm to consider the alternatives open to it for entering a new market or entering new product into the market39. Product | |Existing |New | |Existing |Market penetration |Product development | |New |Market development |diversification | Market Market penetration: market penetration is used to achieve the growth in the existing market with the existing product40. Market penetration uses the marketing mix to push the product which is gaining as much as market share and as quickly as possible41. Market penetration seeks to achieve four main objectives: Increase usage by existing customers, maintain or increase the market share of current products42. Pizza Hut is the branded outlet so that people use the substitute outlet less (Pizza Inn, u s pizza, Uncle Sam’s Pizza, and Dominos). Pizza Hut encourages customers to use their outlet more regularly by providing new taste to the customers43. Product development: this is concerned with marketing new or modified products in the market for the customers 44 like: Normal pizzas intend to act as a replacement for the new product which will be introduced45. Market development: this involves the marketing of the existing product in the new market such as: As Pizza Hut has one outlet already in the market, they will open a new outlet in Baroda but in a different area. They will introduce some new products when they open their new outlet. However, they will need to continue the marketing of their old and classic products along with the new products46. Diversification: this will occur when the product is developed for the new market. Diversification allows a business to move away from the trust upon the present market and product47. 38http://www. tutor2u. net/business/strategy/ansoff_matrix.htm 39oxford study course book by jo toy pg 32 39. http://www. tutor2u. net/business/strategy/ansoff_matrix. htm 40. business studies book by Dave hall pg 239 41. oxford study course book by jo toy pg 32 42. http://www. tutor2u. net/business/strategy/ansoff_matrix. htm 43. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 44. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 45. Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 46. business studies book by Dave hall pg 239 PEST –G ANALYSIS Pest g: this will look at the external environment and the global factors that may or will affect a business. It can provide a quick and visual representation. It is usually divided into five external influences on a business-political, economic, social, and technological and green46. Political: this is concerned with how political developments, regionally, nationally and internationally might affect a business’s strategy47. Political development is not so relevant in this instance as Pizza Hut has an existing established branch which is not affected by this external factor, the political issues are not so important because they do have the outlet in India and Baroda. For opening the new outlet government factors are not important as it already has opened one outlet48. Economic: this might include the analysis of a variety of economic factors and their effect on business they include: consumer activity, economic variable, government policy, the effect of change in product and labor markets49. Pizza Hut’s outlet which is Baroda, Gujarat – has competitors in Baroda, Gujarat50 however, these are not Pizza Hut branches – they are other competitors such as Dominos and Pizza Inn. These have an economic external influence as it affects the consumer activity as customers may prefer to go to Dominos if there is better service, quality and price offered. The new place suggested trough market research, there mainly the people with their families and above 30 will visit. It is not that the youth’s wont visit but there are less youth’s in that area compare to the area where the current Pizza Hut is located. Social: how is Pizza Hut affected socially? It is not likely that Pizza Hut will be affected socially as each age group visit’s Pizza Hut51. Due to the location of the old Pizza Hut site (located near commercial places) it attracts a lot variety of consumers. The new site will be located in a suburb where there are families therefore the market will be families. When a whole family eats a meal at Pizza Hut, they tend to splurge on extras such as drinks and sides. This is positive for the organization in terms of profit. However, in Karelibaug, families won’t come daily or once a week to have pizza’s so it can be affected socially. Generally in the new outlet older segment people will visite. Technological: Businesses operate in a world of rapid technological change. The organization needs to regularly review the impact of new technologies upon their activities. The product can become old-fashioned quickly. The production method can become out of date52. Pizza Hut looks that how they are different from other firms such as Pizza Inn, Domino’s pizza, us pizza and many other domestic outlets for pizza’s. Even Mac Donald’s is a competitor. One technological factor which could effect the environment is how Pizza Hut creates its products such as the production line in which a pizza is made. 47. business studies book by Dave hall pg 38 48. business studies book by Dave hall pg 38 49. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 50. business studies book by Dave hall pg 38 51. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 52. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview53. business studies book by Dave hall pg 38 COST ANALYSIS Cost analysis is currently a some what controversial set of methods in program of evaluation one reason for the controversy is that these terms cover a wide range of method, but are often used interchangeably. There are two types of cost associated with hiring new place. They are fixed cost and variable cost. Both these cot will be identified to check the financial growth of the undergoing new outlet. Both are classified as below: Fixed cost Hiring charges foe the new place Salary of the staff Minimum hiring charges of telephone. Variable cost Production cost Office usage Approximately amount of profit for the new outlet May by through which you will be able to fine out pbit (profit before interest and tax), pbt (profit before tax), pat (profit after tax). | | |Per month |Per annum | |Sales | |1350 |16200 | |- variable | |60 |720 | | |contribution |1290 |15480 | |- fixed cost | |45 |540 | | |PBIT |1245 |14940 | |- interest | |78 |940 | | |PBT |1167 |14000 | |- tax | |350 |4200 | | |PAT |817 |9800 | 55 From the above assumption we can conclude that profit on pbit is approximately equals to 65. 60% |1260 |720 | |100 |? | |= 57. 14 | This is the variable cost |1260 |540 | |100 |? | |= 42. 58 | And this is the fixed cost. Variable cost of new outlet is higher than its fixed cost about 14. 12. Contribution of new outlet is about 96% which can be calculated by following formula: |Sales |contribution | |16200 |15480 | |100 |? | |= 96 | 56 Variable cost depends upon number of units of new outlet but the fixed cost is fixed. Cost may also be defined in different class For example: production cost office cost selling and distribution cost We can include raw material cost for the pizza’s and service cost for the pizzas. In production cost all the administration expense and legal and professional charges in office expense. We can bifurcate the transportation of the delivery man and advertisement expenses as selling and distribution charges. Selling and distribution charges can depend on number of unit sold and cost up till cost of goods sold always depends on goods sold57. 55. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 56. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview 57. (Manager of Pizza Hut). Personal interview INVESTMENT APPRAISAL Investment appraisal is the evaluation of an investment project to determine whether or not it is likely to be worthwhile. It is essential to appraise the investment Pizza Hut will undertake and to establish weather it is going to be beneficial. Below are the techniques, which will assist appraising the investment: †¢ Pay back period and †¢ Net present value Pay back period This technique assesses the number of years it will take foe the Pizza Hut to recover all their initial costs. This is a very simple tool as it ignores most of the costs the firm would incur due to opening a new outlet. The cash flow is also an approximate estimate when there are too many variable then Pizza Hut cannot control. They assume that they have more customers and 10% more profit throughout the year than what they had the previous year. There were a few assumptions made for the cash flow. These were that the machine they used to make pizza’s worked at 100% capacity and all products were sold. |Pay back period for the new outlet | |Year |Net cash flow | |0 |-10,00,000 | |1 |2,00,000 | |2 |6,00,000 | |3 |3,00,000 | |3,00,000 |12 months | |2,00,000 |? | |= 8 months | You can get 2,00,000 in 8 months so our net pay back period for investing RS 10,00,000 in new outlet is 2 years and 8 months. Analysis of pay back period. The pay back technique has shown us that it takes 2 years and 8 months to pay back for the new outlet. However, we learn form the market research and swot analysis that there are mainly people above 35 hence it would be smarter from them to do some thing which might attract the youth from other areas and influence them to visit that outlet too. Net present value Net present value incorporates the principle of time value of money by converting payments at different times to the equivalent values at the common reference time. The discount factor used is 4% as the interest they could have got from the bank currently is 4%. I then did NVP. |Year |Net cash flow |Discount factor 4$ |Present value | |0 |-10,00,000 |1 |10,00,000 | |1 |2,00,000 |0. 9615 |1,92,300 | |2 |6,00,000 |0. 9246 |5,54,760 | |3 |3,00,000 |0. 8890 |2,66,700 | Analysis of net present value The new outlet will generate ____ amount after 5 years. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES To effectively deal with the increase in the growth by expansion, it is necessary for there to be some internal changes. It is very necessary that the staff’s grooming should be done properly, so that they can serve the customers in a professional manner. When they open their second outlet from a single, Pizza Hut will have to keep some one on whom they can trust and can rely on and they have to shift a few staff from the present one to the opening one. As they opening a new outlet, they are turning from one into two outlets. Due to this the position of many of the staff’s have been will be changed. This change does not affect their work, they have an effective communication channels among the employees. This could be in the form of giving the staff a proper atmosphere in which they can settle easily, the changes in the outlet and the goals that the Pizza Hut wants to attain. RECOMMENDATION Starting up the new outlet, initially it will not give them that much profit but it will definitely give some. For this: 1. Pizza Hut should shift few of their staff and of course one of the leader to supervise from the existing outlet to the one which will open in the near future. 2. They should appoint few new staff for the existing outlet and also foe the future’s outlet so that the one who are new in the new outlet can get t know more from their seniors who are shifted from the existing business. 3. For marketing about their new outlet they should restructure they method in which the do the marketing. 4. The market research was done on few people in Baroda, Gujarat, and not in the whole of Baroda. So the extensive market research needs to be conducted across the whole Baroda, Gujarat to get the proper kind of information about the location. CONCULSION The report shows that Pizza Hut should pen the new outlet in Baroda, Gujarat, India. If Pizza Hut increases their staff, then it would be in a better position to serve the customers and if they shift few of their trained staff and give training to the new staff to whom they are going to appoint then they would also be in the better position. They should also shift one of the managers to the new outlet so that in case if any problem occurs then they will be able to handle it. The financial aspects of the undertaking are not the problem for the Pizza Hut as it is in a strong financial stage. But the recruitment of the new staff cold affects the staffs. The environment and the working portfolio of the staffs will be changed as Pizza Hut will reconstruct the marketing set-up. So before employing the new staff Pizza Hut should let the old staff settle into their working environment. As previously said, the personal interview were only conducted in Gujarat, and the result of this only represented he view of customers from Gujarat. Hence, the further market research needs to be done to get a broader perspective on this study. The indirect costs associated with the undertaking the project will have to ascertain. As previously mentioned, one indirect cost is that a large recruitment could lead to a decrease in the motivation of the existing staffs. Other indirect cost could be in the form of the training program for the new recruits to a specialist company, so that it is done efficiently. If the new recruits do their job well, serve the customers in the proper way, follow the training properly, are groomed very well and give the best service then this would motivate the customers to visit them again. Graph showing the frequency of visits to Pizza Hut by college students and teenagers 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 More than once a week Once a week Fortnight Monthly or less time period College students Teenagers graph showing the frequency of visit to Pizza Hut by families and people above 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 More than once a week Once a week Fortnight Monthly or less time period Family Above 50.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog 9 Dark Reads for Every Type ofBooklover

9 Dark Reads for Every Type ofBooklover Whether it’s morbid humor or downright macabre, everyone needs a spooky-themed read now and then- and that doesn’t just mean thrillers. Whether you want a modern or a classic, non-fiction or a novel, an epic poem or a play, we have nine sinister stories for you. 1. For the Brooding Romantic: Jane Eyre  by Charlotte Brontà « Jane Eyre has an undoubtedly tragic beginning, complete with a ghostly visitation and a deadly epidemic. Jane is an orphan surrounded by deaths- those of her parents, uncle, and best friend- and long abused by her aunt and the superiors at her boarding school. After boarding school, Jane goes to Thornfield estate to work as a governess, where she is tormented by deranged laughter coming from the attic in the night. Whats more, the strange demeanor of her boss, Mr. Rochester, along with their ensuing love affair, build the story into a thrilling romance-turned-horror. 2. For the Historical Fiction Aficionado: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson Erik Larson’s widely acclaimed historical novel The Devil in the White City follows two men: Henry (H.H.) Holmes, the devil, and Daniel Burnham, the architect of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. Burnham is turning Chicago around from a city that was practically a wasteland to â€Å"the White City.† However, Chicago’s most notorious killer, H.H. Holmes, is lying in wait. After Holmes attends the hugely successful fair with his new bride and her sister, he takes them back to his infamous â€Å"castle,† a labyrinth built to accommodate his murderous habits. This fictionalization of a true-crime tale adds suspense and theatrics to one of the most infamous murder cases of American history. 3. For the Ghostly Thespian: Hamlet  by William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of Shakespeare’s most tortured and complex protagonists. Visited by the ghost of his recently-deceased father, Hamlet discovers that the king was, in fact, murdered by his own brother, Hamlet’s uncle Claudius, in order to usurp the throne. Claudius amplifies this blow to the late king’s memory by marrying his wife and Prince Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, shortly after the king’s death. Hamlet’s ensuing torment over whether or not to kill Claudius in revenge for his father’s death- punctuated by murders, madness, and suicide- seal his fate as a classic tragic hero. 4. For the True-Crime Junkie: Ill Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara Michelle McNamaras true-crime story paints a grisly portrait of the then-unidentified Golden State Killer, who ran rampant throughout California from 1974 until 1986. McNamara not only coined his now infamous moniker, but she is also widely credited with drawing the attention to this four-decades-long unsolved mystery that led to his capture. Ill Be Gone in the Dark just might be the greatest true-crime novel of the decade, and any murderino or Dateline-watcher will be absorbed by this book from the first page. 5. For the Fan of the Supernatural: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley As for paranormal tales, Mary Shelley’s classic exploration into the question of what makes us human remains unsurpassed. Dr. Frankenstein achieves his obsessive goal of reanimation and unleashes his creation upon the world. As the monster discovers his lonely fate, he seeks revenge on his creator. This classic horror laid the foundation for many of its successors, and its questions about the humanity of scientific creations have only become more relevant in todays world. 6. For the Creepy Classics Lover: Inferno by Dante Alighieri The oldest text on our list, Inferno paints a grisly landscape of hell- in all its regions, creations, and horrors- informed by Dante’s medieval context. This epic poem describes in graphic detail the torment of sinners in the afterlife, giving readers a disturbing perspective of medieval theology. While Dante’s melodrama adds subtle humor for todays readers- for example, his fantasies of meeting his hero, the ancient Roman poet Virgil, and of his enemies being tortured for their sins- his scenes of human suffering paint a bleak picture of life after death. 7. For the Grim Poet: â€Å"The Raven,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† by Edgar Allan Poe Though these are a series of distinct poems and short stories, Poe’s defining and ominous style cemented his canon in the history of poetry are best represented in these three works. Death of a one true love, murder, and foreboding omens tie these tales to one another, giving readers a feel for Poe’s gothic style of poetry. Plus, they are great starting points from which to enter Poe’s extensive collection of other grim works. 8. For the Macabre Humorist: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty Caitlin Doughty’s first publication, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, is the memoir of Doughty, a twenty-three-year-old novice mortician. It follows her from her first job as a crematory operator, filled with morbid misadventures, to her time in mortuary school, where she develops a passion for changing the way people view death and dying. Doughty’s sharp humor and unusual enthusiasm for undertaking make this book a distinctive combination of creepy and clever. 9. For the Dystopian Devotee: 1984  by George Orwell A picture of a dystopian future, Orwell’s classic novel is gaining relevance as it is referenced more in the media today more than ever before. In Oceania, the homeland of 1984’s protagonist, Winston Smith, most everyone is constantly surveilled by the government, or â€Å"Big Brother.† This totalitarian regime goes to great lengths to maintain power- burning â€Å"dangerous† books, altering history, forcing citizens to participate in allegiance rituals, and eradicating love and intimacy; that is, until Winston and his lover, Julia, defy Big Brother’s rules in pursuit of knowledge and freedom.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Separation of church and state

Separation of church and state Introduction Separation of church and state is one of the concepts, which have been misread, distorted, and criticized, mostly in the current spiritual, lawful, and political debates (Wilson, 34). According to Cline, there is an argument presently by some of the Christians, that the idea of separating church and state was not considered by the founding fathers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Separation of church and state specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They, rather, think that it is a modern and harmful policy that was brought up between the 1950’s and 60’s by the decisions of the Supreme Court. As Cline indicates, this is not true. The idea is as old as 1802, when Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the union of Danbury Baptist as a response to a letter the Baptist Association had written to him. The letter of the Baptist Association regarded to a gossip that concerned a certain denomination, which w as said to be recognized as a national denomination. According to Cline, in his response, he reassured them that none of the Christian denominations would be recognized by the government to be the national denomination. He indicated that an obstacle of separation had been raised to separate the Church and the State. Discussion The issue of separation of the church and the state is so critical in today’s political climate. According to Cline, the idea, which evolved from the Bible, came up with Christians. Prior to Jefferson picking it up, the preachers had applied it for 200 years. In the letter, that Jefferson wrote to the union of Danbury Baptist he made it specific that due to separation, the government would never barricade with public activities carried out by religions. The expression was appended to the Free Exercise Clause of the first Amendment. Cline adds that, in the subsequent 150 years, the words â€Å"separation of church and state† were applied to expres s religiously in public, as well as keep government from materializing the public (Wilson, 45). It was later in the late 1940’s that the Court came up with the idea that Jefferson rather muddled up. They thought that instead of him appending the expression to the Free Exercise clause, he would have appended it to the Establishment Clause. This has made separation today to be denoted that the government can obstruct any spiritual doings. Secularists can go against overpowering the greater part of the nation by using this idea. The uncertainties concerning separation have been ancient. Separation of church and state is a concept that many do not understand and so misinterpret. The key players are separationists, who support separation, non- preferentialists, who call for close relationships between the government and the spiritual groups, and lastly, the accomodationists, who are against the separationists’ approach, which unfortunately is leading in courts (Wilson, 62). Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Separation of church and state is a discussion that looks at what the Bills of Rights and Constitution mean. Some think that the government is given authority by the constitution to control some features of faith, and that the First Amendment avoids the launching of a national church only. Others believe that the government, via the constitution, has no authority over faith, and that the First Amendment ought to be largely read to forbid any kind of meddling with faith. According to Cline, because religious authorities and civil authorities are different, the same persons, or organizations should not be assigned to them. This means that municipal power cannot order, or manage structured spiritual bodies. The concept being a two-way traffic denotes that religious bodies cannot order, or manage the government. As Cline indicates, the concept make s certain that when private populaces are performing in the position of some government official, they cannot have any feature of their private spiritual beliefs forced on others. This calls for ethical self-control on government representatives, and to an extent, on private populace. Self-control is important for a spiritually pluralistic culture to live on, without going down into spiritual public battle. It makes sure that the government remains a government of all, but not that of one spiritual tradition, or denomination. It also ensures that political allotments are not drawn beside spiritual lines, with Christians or Catholics fighting Protestants, or Muslims, in order to receive what is publicly meant to be theirs. Separation of church and state is a concept that is important in the constitutional liberty, protecting the public from oppression. It defends everyone from spiritual oppression of any spiritual group, or culture, and it defends everyone from a government aim of op pressing some, or any spiritual group. The founding fathers did not mean for separation of church and state to be carried out as it is carried out today by the courts. They wrote what they wrote purely to protect the freedom of religion. The term â€Å"separation of church and state† is not found anywhere in the Constitution, or in the documents of the founding fathers. What the founders were aiming for was to defend the human being autonomy, and freedom of ethics, not generate a nonbeliever culture that is devoid of even the declaration of God publicly (Wilson, 71). As Cline indicates, The Bill of Rights denotes to faith, and not place of worship. This means that Marxists, Humanistic –spiritual faith structures, Novel Age conservationism, among others, are all covered up when it comes to the subject of the state prying in the free implementation of belief, or autonomy of ethics.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Separation of church and state s pecifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Separation of church and state is an ancient issue. From the above research, many people do not understand the concept. Some think that it is included in the constitution, while others think that the state can interfere anytime with the affairs of the church. The courts today are considering actions that are done in the name of religion like polygamy, immorality promotion, among others as unconstitutional, and hence punishing them (Wilson, 67). The concept that was developed by the founding fathers, meant to protect religion, but not to be handled the way it is being handled by the courts today. The most important detail according to the concept is to avoid religious oppression, and war amongst denominations (Wilson, 92). Cline, Austin. Separation of Church and State 101. Issues, People, and Arguments. Wilson, Jam es Q. American Government: Institutions and Policies. Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath, 1986. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bernard Matthews Farms

Bernard Matthews farms Bernard Matthews farms is the largest turkey producer in the UK. The business has grown substantially since its relatively humble origins in 1950, when entrepreneur Bernard Matthews bought 20 turkey eggs and a second-hand incubator. Twelve turkeys successfully hatched from this initial batch and, before long, the young entrepreneur was able to give up his insurance job and concentrate full-time on rearing turkeys. Today, Bernard Matthews farms rears over seven million turkeys every year. Thirteen million UK households buy a Bernard Matthews farms branded product each year. Despite the size of its operations, the company remains close to its roots in East Anglia, with its farms located across Norfolk, Suffolk and Lincolnshire. Bernard Matthews’ vision is ‘to make turkey the preferred choice of protein for every day and every occasion’. The company’s product line featured affordable, tasty and convenient food choices. Bernard Matthews farms operates in a competitive and fast-changing environment. Consumers are faced with a huge choice of foods to suit different lifestyles, diets, and tastes. However, in recent years, buying patterns have changed as consumers have become more concerned about healthy eating, food safety, and animal welfare. Chance events can have a significant impact on a food business. For example, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s high-profile campaign in 2005 to improve the quality of school meals identified foods such as Bernard Matthews farms’ Turkey Twizzlers as being unhealthy. In 2007, there was an outbreak of bird flu at a Bernard Matthews farm in Suffolk. At that time, the media also discovered that the company imported some of its turkey from abroad. The press published stories suggesting that the imports could have been directly related to the outbreak, a theory that was never proven. Initially, Bernard Matthews farms did not speak up and defend its product range against Oliver’s accusations. This resulted in adverse press coverage and the company lost credibility with the media. When bird flu hit, relations with the media were at an all-time low. The companys immediate reaction to the crisis was to focus on eliminating the disease, which it did successfully. Communications came low on the list of priorities. This meant that the resulting information vacuum was soon filled with damaging and often inaccurate news reports. Another issue surfaced during this time period. Two of the company’s workers were convicted of animal cruelty in 2006, having been secretly filmed hitting turkeys with a pole. Others had been filmed playing ‘catch’ with turkeys. Bernard Matthews farms’ spokesperson initially gave â€Å"no comment†, saying he hadn’t seen the video, although he had been shown pictures of the abuse. The company nonetheless claimed it was ‘committed to the â€Å"highest standards† of animal welfare’. The employees defended themselves by saying that they were influenced by the â€Å"culture† at the plant. Yet, in June 2007, employees were again caught and filmed in acts of animal cruelty – this time kicking turkeys. When the company realized the extent of the damage and finally opened up to the press it was too little, too late, as all trust had been lost. As a result, Bernard Matthews farms’ sales in the UK fell by 35% and the company went into a loss position for the first time.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The causes and impact of unemployment in the United Kingdom Coursework

The causes and impact of unemployment in the United Kingdom - Coursework Example For these reason further insights into how society deals with unemployment is necessary. Stratification is a principal aspect of the evolution of a society's social identity, when this is compounded with unemployment, alienation and dysfunction becomes a consequence. Until the late 1980s the unemployment rate in England remained low (about 5%). However, by late 1990 the unemployment rate began to increase and by the end of 1992 had climbed to 15%, reaching a peak in early 1994 of 19%. (Statistics England 1994) Unemployment also grew in other European countries, although not as rapidly as in England. In 1994, the average European Union unemployment rate was 12%. Long-term joblessness has become more common in England and redundancy now also affects the white-collar occupations. (Statistics England 1994) Research into the possible health effects of unemployment is thus more timely than ever. Previous studies of individuals have shown that mortality rates are higher in the unemployed than the employed persons. (Moser 1984; Bethune 1996) The causal effect of unemployment and selection bias have been suggested as two possible mechanisms to explain this finding. (Valkonen 1995) Becoming jobless and long-term unemployment may have adverse effect... An increase in tobacco, alcohol, and drug use may also be indicative of attempts to cope with this stress. Other outcomes of unemployment such as loss of income, material deprivation, loss of networks, and social stigma may have independent effects on health and mortality but may also increase the stress experienced by the unemployed. Selection bias is encountered when unemployed people or those who have difficulty in becoming re-employed have pre-existing ill-health. Selection bias may also be due to socio-economic factors such as social class and housing tenure; lifestyle risks like tobacco and alcohol consumption and poor diet or personal characteristics such as increased age, sex, physical weakness, and psychological dysfunction that increase the risk of premature mortality. Although the direct selection of people with pre-existing ill-health may not be of paramount importance, (Martikainen 1990; Morris 1994) lack of data about personal characteristics and lifestyle make it difficult to control for all possible selection factors. Aggregate-level studies that use regional populations or occupational groups as their units of analysis, have generally not shown a relation between changes in unemployment and mortality rates. (Valkonen 1995; Martikainen 1955) These results suggest that selection may account for a large part of the excess mortality of unemployed persons. The aim of this study was to estimate the strength of the association between unemployment, re-employment, and mortality during rapidly increasing unemployment in England. The results for the total British population of men and women are presented. As in previous individual-level studies, we sought to reduce the possible effects of selection by

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 47

Case Study Example Things would be different if there were no instructional videos, but the reality is that there are no excuses for hotel cleaners not to clean the rooms to a high standard. The $10 test may be viewed as somewhat tacky, but it has done the job because performance standards have been raised since the test was introduced. The types of control that are illustrated in this case are income and personal observation. First of all, employees have the ability to receive a bonus if they can do a good job, and this gives them an incentive because it will boost their income. Also, personal observation is present because the managers check the rooms themselves and then make a judgment based on what they have observed. For her new job Toby can use her previous knowledge about customer service skills to try and understand how decisions are made in her new department. Toby is a people person and so she should have little trouble getting to know her new co-workers and learning what exactly is required of her. Toby does have the ability to change the decision-making styles in her new department, but she needs to be this slowly because otherwise she will cause too much trouble. Toby would benefit because then she could properly understand the strengths and weaknesses of her department. Knowing what to change and what should remain is an important decision. If Toby does not do this, then she might make some changes that do not go down well with her boss and the other supervisors. Until Toby has established herself in her new role, she needs to just sit back and observe others so that she can make the right suggestions when the time comes. One public personality that had a distinct decision-making style was the late Steve Jobs. He was known for not wanting input from those around him, and it sometimes got him into trouble. He was a radical decision maker because he would often think outside the square and come up with new inventions, like the iPod

Networking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Networking - Assignment Example Typically, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is utilised in order to deal with HTTP transport purposes (W3, 2004 a). What is meant by an HTTP request and response, giving an example of each? How are these transmitted? By which underlying TCP/IP protocol? Essentially HTTP is a request and response protocol. The request is used to designate the instructions sent by the client to the server. This transmission takes place in the form of a request method such as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Typically, these requests contain the protocol version, request modifiers, information about the client and any other forms of body content. The server reacts to the request by producing a response. The response initiated by a server contains a status line which outlines the protocol version of the involved message along with an indication of failure or success. This is often followed by a message that provides information about the server, any meta data or meta information available and an y other forms of attached body content. A basic example of HTTP request-response protocol is the interaction between web browsers and websites. A web browser tends to act as a client while any application present on a website tends to function as the server. The client, in this case a web browser, sends a HTTP request to the client. In turn the server provides the client with the required resources such as HTML files and other hypermedia. The response from the server’s end contains the required content as well as the completion status of the client’s request. A number of different internet protocol suite protocols are available for carrying out HTTP transportation. However, in most cases the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is utilised in preference to other protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based on reliability concerns. HTTP connections are of two primary sorts. One of these involves the idea of pipelining request. Explain this concept and describe wh y and how HTTP can benefit from one of these connection types relative to the other. HTTP relies in large part on two primary connection types namely persistent connections and HTTP pipelining. The older versions of HTTP, including 0.9 and 1.0, utilised a single request response pair after which the connection was closed. This meant that the TCP connection request had to be renegotiated for every single request response pair. Persistent connection was introduced in HTTP 1.1 to keep the connection alive after a single request response action had been executed. This meant that the TCP connection did not have to be reinitiated every single time a request response was required. In turn, this meant that connection speeds improved since the TCP restart time was not required for every request response action. However, there was still one serious shortcoming. The client had to wait for a response before it could initiate a new request. This meant that a request response action could be carr ied out one at a time. HTTP pipelining was introduced in version 1.1 to allow the client to send multiple requests without any need to wait for responses. The use of HTTP pipelining allows the reduction of lag time since the client can send multiple requests at the same time and can then wait for their corresponding responses (W3, 2004 b). The use of this technique allows drastic improvements in the internet connection speed since HTML pages

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Approaches To Crime Prevention Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Approaches To Crime Prevention - Assignment Example Government takes these prevention measures in order to reduce the ratio of crimes in the society, enforce the law and thus maintaining the environment of justice and peace in the society. The application of these crime preventive measures is very important for any community. These criminals actually use negative ways in order to harm the community people and thus gain advantage of their own. There should be strict rules and regulations and then a strong control system on the implementation of these rules will definitely help community people. There are different approaches of crime prevention that can be used in different situations. These different situations may be based on the difference in the activities, difference in focus of intrusion and the difference in the effects of those crimes. Various models have been identified so far (Morgan et. al., 2012). Everything has been systematic now. Same is the case with our criminal justice system. It has developed into a better and beneficial system now, just because of the scientific changes made in it (Geoffrey, 2012). The variety in the crime preventive approaches is the result of all the strategically changes made in it. These approaches may include community prevention approach, family prevention approach, situational environmental approach and developmental environmental approach. The analysis of all these four approaches is given below in detail. Law enforcement was the best policy by the Court in order to take preventive measures against the crimes but as there are several reasons behind crime commitment, so there must be several techniques in order to stop them. Only law enforcement would not be enough for them. Therefore in addition to law enforcement the above four approaches were introduced within different periods. There are some approaches, which actually involves citizens and the community in order to enhance the effectiveness of the crime prevention measures

Describe why you believe that diversity in the legal profession is Essay

Describe why you believe that diversity in the legal profession is important from a practical standpoint - Essay Example Representatives of the legal system must understand the social or even psychological mechanisms that drive individual responses from multiple demographics if they are to convey any relevant meaning to the citizen, especially if the goal is to facilitate behavioral or attitude-based changes. In the client environment, similar disparities will be ongoing with clients of many different backgrounds and social/family structures, therefore diversity in legal professional education must be present in order to work successfully with these groups. For instance, an individual seeking legal assistance who hails from a wealthy and privileged environment might automatically believe that legal servants are below them and fail to make any worthwhile interpersonal connection. Those in the legal profession must understand these differences and have the diversity of character in order to conduct their obligations toward the client. This diversity can stem from gaining academic knowledge of advantaged social groups or other sociological understandings to assist in client communications. For the legal counselor or other similar roles, knowledge of ethnic backgrounds is also critical if there is to be any headway made with citizens of varying demographics. Emotional issues that have led to criminal behavior in Asian groups, as one example, might be fundamentally different with Caucasian citizens and thus diversity of social and racial systems must be included in legal-based education curriculum. Such diversity also removes potential prejudices and biases, especially important for judicial representatives and policing units, to ensure equality and fair justice without favoritism or discrimination of any variety. Legal professionals are relied upon to provide assistance to general society by reducing criminal activities and corruption and also to ensure the well-being of national citizens